Sunday, June 26, 2011

Red, White and Blue!

Do you have plans for the 4th of July?!? It's only a week  away! Whether you stay in town, go camping, or visit family, there are many ways to celebrate the holiday. 

Below are a few 4th of July celebrations around you as well as some fun patriotic crafts! 

What: Waterfront Blues Festival and fireworks. Listen to live music and stay for the fireworks 
Where: Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Fireworks begin at 10:05 PM 
Cost: Admission to the festival is $10 per person per day, plus 2 cans of nonperishable food for the Oregon Food Bank

What: Annual Fourth of July Celebration at Oaks Park Amusement Park and Fireworks
Where: Oaks Park, 
7805 SE Oaks Park WayWhen: Monday, July 4. Park opens at 10 AM fireworks begin at dusk
Cost: $5 ages 16 and over; $3 under 15; $3 seniors 62 and up

What: Lake Oswego’s 4th of July celebration, pancake breakfast, parade, face painting, BBQ, pie eating contest, and fireworks display
Where: Millennium Plaza Park (parade) and Lake Grove Swim Center (fireworks) Lake Oswego When: Monday, July 4. BBQ at noon; Fireworks at 9:45
Cost: Free! 

Very cute 4th of July idea from Lisa Storms! What kid wouldn't love this?!?

A fun snack for the party from Room to Inspire! RineVines for all! 

And yet another adorable idea from Eighteen25! "Oh, Snap hope you have a great 4th of July!"

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